Homemade Sauerkraut
Homemade Sauerkraut
Homemade sauerkraut is a wonderful addition to various dishes, and the fermentation process adds probiotics for a healthy gut. Making sauerkraut at home is quite simple and requires minimal ingredients.
Yield: Varies based on the size of your cabbage
1 medium-sized cabbage (green or red)
1 tablespoon salt (non-iodized, preferably sea salt or kosher salt)
Optional: 1-2 teaspoons of chili flakes, caraway seeds, peppercorns, or mustard seeds (adjust to taste)
Adding spices during the fermentation process allows the flavors to meld with the cabbage as it ferments. This results in a delicious and flavorful sauerkraut. Feel free to experiment with different spices to create unique variations. To add the optional flavorings:
Follow the initial steps for shredding and massaging the cabbage with salt, as outlined in the basic sauerkraut recipe.
Once the cabbage has released some liquid, add the optional add-ins. Adjust the quantity based on your taste preferences.
Mix the spices thoroughly with the cabbage to distribute the flavors evenly.
Pack the cabbage with the spices into the jar, ensuring it's tightly packed and there are no air pockets.
Continue with the remaining steps of covering with reserved leaves, adding a weight, and covering with a cloth or paper towel.
Allow the sauerkraut to ferment as usual, checking and pressing down on the weight every day or two.
Once the sauerkraut reaches your desired level of tanginess, you can remove the outer leaves, cover with a lid, and store it in the refrigerator.
Enjoy your custom-flavored sauerkraut!
Prepare the Cabbage:
Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and set them aside.
Quarter the cabbage and remove the core.
Shred the cabbage finely using a knife or a food processor.
Massage with Salt:
In a large bowl, combine the shredded cabbage and salt.
Massage the cabbage and salt together for about 5-10 minutes. The cabbage will start to release liquid.
Pack into a Jar:
Pack the shredded cabbage tightly into a clean glass jar. Press it down as you go to eliminate air pockets.
Cover with Reserved Leaves:
Take the outer leaves you set aside earlier and place them on top of the shredded cabbage. This helps keep the cabbage submerged in its own liquid.
Add a Weight:
Place a weight on top of the cabbage to keep it submerged. This could be a small jar filled with water or a purpose-made fermentation weight.
Cover the Jar:
Cover the jar with a clean cloth or paper towel, secured with a rubber band or string. This allows air to flow while keeping out contaminants.
Leave the jar at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
Check the sauerkraut every day or two. Press down on the weight to ensure the cabbage remains submerged.
Taste and Store:
After about 1-2 weeks, taste the sauerkraut. When it reaches the desired level of tanginess, it's ready.
Remove the outer leaves, put a lid on the jar, and store it in the refrigerator.
Enjoy your homemade sauerkraut!